Hello World!
Ashley- I started scrapbooking in November of 2012 with the help of Effie and my mom. I am a collector more than a user :)! Effie and I have been friends since elementary school but have been BEST friends since high school! I don't know what I could do with out her. This quote totally describes our friendship
A friend is like a good bra: hard to find, comfortable, supportive, always lifts you up, makes you look better, never lets you down or leaves you hanging, and always close to your heart
Likes~ Pink, Princess, Math, Teaching, my fiance, singing, cooking, crafting, Lola (my 70 lb. lab)...
Ashley & Effie @ The Millers Wedding October 15th, 2011
Effie - Likes - Crafting, Playing Magic and Board Games, Yard Sailing and Thrift Store Finds, My Amazing Boyfriend, Cats (especially Harvey and Dexter), Camping, and Hanging Out with My Best Friend Ashley!